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my_recent_swaps (from_uuid page_number=1 limit=10 my_coin other_coin from_timestamp to_timestamp)

The my_recent_swaps method returns the data of the most recent atomic swaps executed by the Komodo DeFi Framework API node. Please note that all filters (my_coin, from_timestamp, etc.) are combined using logical AND.

filterObjectFilterCriteria containing all the filtering criteria for the swaps
paging_optionsObjectPagingOptionsObject containing all the paging options for the request.

swapsarray of objectsA list of standard SwapStatus objects
from_uuidstringthe from_uuid that was set in the request; this value is null if nothing was set
skippednumberthe number of skipped records (i.e. the position of from_uuid in the list + 1 or (page_number - 1) * limit; the value is 0 if from_uuid or page_number were not set or page_number is 1)
limitnumberthe limit that was set in the request; note that the actual number of swaps can differ from the specified limit (e.g. on the last page)
totalnumbertotal number of swaps available with the selected filters
page_numbernumberthe page_number that was set in the request; if both page_number and from_uuid are not set in request it will default to 1; if from_uuid is present in request this value will be always null
total_pagesnumbertotal pages available with the selected filters and limit
found_recordsnumberthe number of returned swaps

    "mmrpc": "2.0",
    "userpass": "Aa12345678987654321!",
    "method": "my_recent_swaps",
    "params": {
        "filter": {
            "status": "completed",
            "date_from": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "date_to": "2024-07-01T00:00:00Z",
            "my_coin": "BTC",
            "other_coin": "ETH",
            "from_timestamp": 1672531200,
            "to_timestamp": 1704067200
        "paging_options": {
            "from_uuid": null,
            "limit": 10,
            "page_number": 1